Hendrickson Method


Hendrickson Method® was created by Dr. Thomas Hendrickson, a Bay Area chiropractor specializing in musculoskeletal disorders and author of Massage and Manual Therapy for Orthopedic Conditions (LWW, 2009). Hendrickson Method® is distinct because it is three modalities in one system: Wave Mobilization®, Muscle Energy Technique, and Joint Mobilization. Sessions are a relaxed dialogue between the client and therapist, with the client engaging in gentle resistance (muscle energy technique) that allows them to actively participate in their own well-being. If a muscle is tight or painful, this technique allows it to relax prior to the therapist applying wave mobilization®.

Wave Mobilization® is experienced by clients as a deep, rhythmic oscillation into the body. Modeled after the flow of ocean waves and energy principles from Tai Chi, the therapist gently sinks into areas and performs short, scooping massage strokes that comfortably realign muscle fibers. The therapist moves the joint area while performing wave mobilization® which allows for greater depth without causing the client too much pressure or discomfort. Clients often comment that they feel more open and loose.

Joint Mobilization is performed after an area has been opened to decrease swelling, pain, and promote ease of movement. The therapist also mobilizes a joint while performing wave mobilization® strokes to soft tissue. This “distraction” allows greater depth for the therapist and less discomfort for the client. Intentions of joint mobilization are also to restore ease of movement, nutrition exchange for repair, and to restore function.

The benefits of Hendrickson Method® transcend what can be achieved through orthopedic massage. It is ideal for reducing pain and restoring joint function in acute injuries or chronic conditions. Clients living with low back pain, rotator cuff injuries, plantar fascitiis, and more can feel functional improvement within a series of sessions. They may choose to receive the work in loose, comfortable clothing or through a sheet. I use minimal lotion in this treatment system.

To learn more refer to www.hendricksonmethod.com


Amanda’s skills in using the Hendrickson Method® techniques have provided noticeable results in dealing with old injuries and the challenges of everyday life. I began working with Amanda a few years ago and have been impressed with the new skills and abilities that have come with her Hendrickson Method® experience. The techniques and results go beyond those of typical massage and have been able to affect areas more deeply than I have experienced in traditional massage.
— Dave Jeffries

Special Rate Program

Schedule by email or call 707.477.5402

I offer reduced rates for Seniors (over 65+), Students (age 21 and under), and active Teachers. 

Seniors: 1 hour – $145 
Teachers: 1 hour – $135 
Students: 1 hour – $135 

1 hour Hendrickson Method sessions are the rate listed plus $5